Engadget -
11 Jan 2025 00:27 ![The Xbox Elite Series 2 Core](https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fos%2Fcreatr-uploaded-images%2F2025-01%2Fa95c4180-cf9f-11ef-be7f-a3e2ef434a8e&resize=1400%2C787&client=19f2b5e49a271b2bde77&signature=515ed83b6fe33f0bcf55eab1cd42860fc091f957)
If you're in the market for a new controller, you're in luck. Microsoft's Xbox Elite Series 2 Core controller is on sale for $98 at Amazon and Target, down from $130. That means its about $3 off its lowest price to date -- a great opportunity to upgrade to something a little nicer. We've recommended the Xbox Elite Series 2 Core controller before, and that's mainly based on its ability to give you the best of the $180 Xbox Elite Series 2 controller for a more approachable price. That includes fits and finishes like a rubberized grip and sturdier, longer-lasting versions of a traditional controller's triggers, joysticks and directional pad...
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